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Published on 31 January 2011 By Michael Ronayne 3962 downloads
Originally developed in 1995, Cejay Engineering’s 3DBeacon is primarily used for thermal marking of vehicleswhere NVG applications are not appropriate. Designedas an anti-fratricide and covert position markerfor vehicles working air support, the beacon utilizes anelectrically controlled rotating thermal source to providea signature that can be seen with thermal imagingequipped aircraft and ground forces.
Published on 31 January 2011 Modified on 11 August 2015 By Michael Ronayne 5544 downloads
Portable Thermal Beacon 7-2015.pdf
The Portable Thermal Beacon is an extremely robust thermal marker beacon designed for hand held, tripod and vehicle mounted applications.
Published on 31 January 2011 By Michael Ronayne 3323 downloads
The Programmable Portable Thermal Beacon is an extremely robust thermal marker beacon designed for hand held, tripod and vehicle mounted applications.
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